Mock sample for your project: JIRA 7.6.1 API

Integrate with "JIRA 7.6.1 API" from jira.local in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

JIRA 7.6.1


Version: 1.0.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "JIRA 7.6.1 API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
Improve your integration tests by mocking third-party APIs and cover more edge cases: slow response time, random failures, etc.


Other APIs in the same category

Interzoid Get City Match Similarity Key API

This API provides a similarity key used to match with other similar city name data, including for purposes of deduplication, fuzzy matching, or merging of datasets. A much higher match rate will be achieved by matching on the algorithmically generated similarity key rather than the data itself.

Local Search Client
The Local Search client lets you send a search query to Bing and get back search results that include local businesses such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores, or other local businesses. The query can specify the name of the local business or it can ask for a list (for example, restaurants near me).

Apicurio Registry API [v2]

Apicurio Registry is a datastore for standard event schemas and API designs. Apicurio Registry enables developers to manage and share the structure of their data using a REST interface. For example, client applications can dynamically push or pull the latest updates to or from the registry without needing to redeploy. Apicurio Registry also enables developers to create rules that govern how registry content can evolve over time. For example, this includes rules for content validation and version compatibility.
The Apicurio Registry REST API enables client applications to manage the artifacts in the registry. This API provides create, read, update, and delete operations for schema and API artifacts, rules, versions, and metadata.
The supported artifact types include:
Apache Avro schema
AsyncAPI specification
Google protocol buffers
GraphQL schema
JSON Schema
Kafka Connect schema
OpenAPI specification
Web Services Description Language
XML Schema Definition
Important: The Apicurio Registry REST API is available from https://MY-REGISTRY-URL/apis/registry/v2 by default. Therefore you must prefix all API operation paths with ../apis/registry/v2 in this case. For example: ../apis/registry/v2/ids/globalIds/{globalId}.

GeoDB Cities API
The GeoDB API focuses on getting global city and region data. Easily obtain country, region, and city data for use
in your apps!
Filter cities by name prefix, country, location, time-zone, and even minimum population.
Sort cities by name, country code, elevation, and population - or any combination of these.
Get all country regions. Get all cities in a given region.
Display results in multiple languages. RESTful API adheres to industry best-practices, including
HATEOAS-style links to facilitate paging results.
Backed by cloud-based load-balanced infrastructure for resiliency and performance!
Data is periodically refreshed from GeoNames and WikiData.
Since the database is periodically updated, this may very rarely result in certain cities
being marked deleted (e.g., duplicates removed). By default, endpoints returning city data will exclude
cities marked deleted. However, in the unlikely event that this occurs while your app is paging through a set
of affected results - and you care about the paged results suddenly changing underneath - specify
includeDeleted=SINCEYESTERDAY (or SINCELAST_WEEK if you're really paranoid!).
Useful Resources
Sample App
Swagger Docs
Usage License

Api2Pdf - PDF Generation, Powered by AWS Lambda

Api2Pdf is a powerful PDF generation API with no rate limits or file size constraints. Api2Pdf runs on AWS Lambda, a serverless architecture powered by Amazon to scale to millions of requests while being up to 90% cheaper than alternatives. Supports wkhtmltopdf, Headless Chrome, LibreOffice, and PDF Merge. You can also generate barcodes with ZXING (Zebra Crossing).
SDKs & Client Libraries
We've made a number of open source libraries available for the API
Ruby: (Coming soon)
Create an account at to get an API key.
Authorize your API calls
GET requests, include apikey=YOUR-API-KEY as a query string parameter
POST requests, add Authorization to your header.
For more advanced usage and settings, see the API specification below.

Gitea API.
This documentation describes the Gitea API.

Runscope API
Manage Runscope programmatically.

IBM Containers API
Containers are virtual software objects that include all the elements that an app needs to run. A container has the benefits of resource isolation and allocation but is more portable and efficient than, for example, a virtual machine.
This documentation describes the IBM Containers API, which is based on the Docker Remote API. The API provides endpoints that you can use to create and manage your single containers and container groups in Bluemix. Endpoints are summarized under the following tags:
Authentication: Retrieve and refresh your TLS certificates.
Private Docker images registry: Create your own private Docker images registry in Bluemix by setting a namespace for your organization.
Images: View, build, and push your images to your private Bluemix registry so you can use them with IBM Containers. You can also scan your container images with the Vulnerability Advisor against standard policies set by the organization manager and a database of known Ubuntu issues.
Single Containers: Create and manage single containers in Bluemix. Use a single container to implement short-lived processes or to run simple tests as you develop an app or service. To make your single container available from the internet, review the Public IP addresses endpoints.
Container Groups: Create and manage your container groups in Bluemix. A container group consists of multiple single containers that are all created from the same container image and as a consequence are configured in the same way. Container groups offer further options at no cost to make your app highly available. These options include in-built load balancing, auto-recovery of unhealthy container instances, and auto-scaling of container instances based on CPU and memory usage. Map a public route to your container group to make your app accessible from the internet.
Public IP addresses: Use these endpoints to request public IP addresses for your space. You can bind this IP address to your container to make your container accessible from the internet.
File shares: Create, list and delete file shares in a space. A file share is a NFS storage system that hosts Docker volumes.
Volumes: Create and manage container volumes in your space to persist the data of your containers.
Each API request requires an HTTP header that includes the 'X-Auth-Token’ and 'X-Auth-Project-Id’ parameter.
X-Auth-Token: The JSON web token (JWT) that you receive when logging into the Bluemix platform. It allows you to use the IBM Containers REST API, access services, and resources. Run cf oauth-token to retrieve your access token information.
X-Auth-Project-Id: The unique ID of your organization space where you want to create or work with your containers. Run cf space --guid, where is the name of your space, to retrieve your space ID.
For further information about how containers work in the IBM Containers service, review the documentation under

Snyk API
The Snyk API is available to customers on paid plans and allows you to programatically integrate with Snyk.
API vs CLI vs Snyk integration
The API detailed below has the ability to test a package for issues, as they are defined by Snyk. It is important to note that for many package managers, using this API will be less accurate than running the Snyk CLI as part of your build pipe, or just using it locally on your package. The reason for this is that more than one package version fit the requirements given in manifest files. Running the CLI locally tests the actual deployed code, and has an accurate snapshot of the dependency versions in use, while the API can only infer it, with inferior accuracy. It should be noted that the Snyk CLI has the ability to output machine-readable JSON output (with the --json flag to snyk test).
A third option, is to allow Snyk access to your development flow via the existing Snyk integrations. The advantage to this approach is having Snyk monitor every new pull request, and suggest fixes by opening new pull requests. This can be achieved either by integrating Snyk directly to your source code management (SCM) tool, or via a broker to allow greater security and auditability.
If those are not viable options, this API is your best choice.
API url
The base URL for all API endpoints is
To use this API, you must get your token from Snyk. It can be seen on after you register with Snyk and login.
The token should be supplied in an Authorization header with the token, preceded by token:


Appwrite backend as a service cuts up to 70% of the time and costs required for building a modern application. We abstract and simplify common development tasks behind a REST APIs, to help you develop your app in a fast and secure way. For full API documentation and tutorials go to

PowerDNS Authoritative HTTP API


Image Search Client
The Image Search API lets you send a search query to Bing and get back a list of relevant images. This section provides technical details about the query parameters and headers that you use to request images and the JSON response objects that contain them. For examples that show how to make requests, see Searching the Web for Images.