Mock sample for your project: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau API

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Version: 1.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
Improve your integration tests by mocking third-party APIs and cover more edge cases: slow response time, random failures, etc.


Learn more about home mortgage data, download the data yourself, or build new tools using our API.

Other APIs in the same category

Fire Financial Services Business API

The API allows you to deeply integrate Business Account features into your application or back-office systems.
The API provides read access to your profile, accounts and transactions, event-driven notifications of activity on the account and payment initiation via batches. Each feature has its own HTTP endpoint and every endpoint has its own permission.
The API exposes 3 main areas of functionality: financial functions, service information and service configuration.
Financial Functions
These functions provide access to your account details, transactions, payee accounts, payment initiation etc.
Service Functions
These provide information about the fees and limits applied to your account.
Service configuration
These provide information about your service configs - applications, webhooks, API tokens, etc.

Authentication is required to access all methods of the API. Enter username and password.
Credentials are automatically set as you type.

Nordigen Account Information Services API

BIN Lookup API
BIN lookup API, the free api service from to lookup card information using it's BIN. the service maintains updated database based on the comunity and other third party services to make sure all BINs in the database are accurate and up to date.

Business Registries
The Business Registries API is built on HTTP. The API is RESTful. It has predictable resource URIs.
The API is documented in OpenAPI format.
In addition to the standard OpenAPI syntax we use a few
vendor extensions.
The following sections describe the resources that make up the Business Registries REST API.
Current Version
By default, all requests to receive the v1 version of the REST API. We encourage you to explicitly request this version via the Accept header.
Accept: application/vnd.abr-ato.v1+json
All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from All data is sent and received as JSON. Blank fields are included.
All dates use the ISO 8601 format:
For example: 2017-07-01 (the 1st of July 2017)
All timestamps use the ISO 8601 format:
For example: 2017-07-01T11:05:06+10:00
Some requests allow for specifying timestamps or generate timestamps with time zone information. We apply the following rules, in order of priority, to determine timezone information for API calls.
Explicitly provide an ISO 8601 timestamp with timezone information
For API calls that allow for a timestamp to be specified, we use that exact timestamp.
For example: 2017-07-01T11:05:06+10:00
Information about pagination is provided in the Link header.
For example:
Link:; rel="next",; rel="last"
rel="next" states that the next page is page=2. This makes sense, since by default, all paginated queries start at page 1. rel="last" provides some more information, stating that the last page of results is on page 34. Accordingly, we have 33 more pages of information that we can consume.
Many API methods take optional parameters:
GET /individuals/1234/addresses/?addressType='Mailing'
In this example, the '1234' value is provided for the :partyId parameter in the path while :addressType is passed in the query string.
For POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests, parameters not included in the URL should be encoded as JSON with a Content-Type of 'application/json'.
The API provides metadata services that you can use to discover information about the classifcation schemes and values used by the Registry.
For example:
GET /classifications/roles
Sample response:
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440001",
"role": "Director",
"roleDescription": "An individual responsible for managing a company's ...",
"relationship": "Directorship",
"reciprocalRole": "Company",
"reciprocalRoleDescription": "An incorporated legal entity."
Root Endpoint
You can issue a GET request to the root endpoint (also known as the service root) to get all the endpoint categories that the REST API supports:
The Business Registries API supports API Key authentication.
When you sign up for an account, you are given your first API key. You can generate additional API keys, and delete
API keys (as you may need to rotate your keys in the future). You authenticate to the Business Registries API by
providing your secret key in the request header.
Note: Some requests will return 404 Not Found, instead of 403 Permission Denied. This is to prevent the
accidental leakage of information to unauthorised users.

IBKR 3rd Party Web API
Interactive Brokers Web API for 3rd Party Companies

YNAB API Endpoints
Our API uses a REST based design, leverages the JSON data format, and relies upon HTTPS for transport. We respond with meaningful HTTP response codes and if an error occurs, we include error details in the response body. API Documentation is at

Afterbanks API
La estandarización de la conexión con cualquier banco en tiempo real.

Xero OAuth 2 Identity Service API

These endpoints are related to managing authentication tokens and identity for Xero API

Frankie Financial API

This API allows developers to integrate the Frankie Financial Compliance Utility into their applications. The API allows:
Checking name, address, date of birth against national databases
Validating Australian driver's licences, passports, medicare, visas and other Australian national ID documents
Validating Australian electricity bills
Validating NZ driver's licences
Validating Chinese bank cards and national ID card
Validating International passports and national ID documents
PEP, Sanctions, Watchlist and adverse media checking
Australian visa checks
Fraud list and fraud background checks
ID validation and selfie check comparisons.
Industry specific services
Comparing Australian electricity retailers for a better deal.
KYB specific services
Query organisation ownership
Perform KYC & AML checks on shareholders, beneficial owners and office bearers.
Query credit score and credit reports
International company searches
International company profiles
The full version of this documentation along with supplemental articles can be found here:
The traditional Swagger view of this documentation can be found here:
Sandbox base URL is:
We do have an old sandbox at but this has been retired.
All calls are the same as production, only with canned data.
Full Swagger definition, along with test data for playing in the sandbox can be obtained once initial commercial discussions have commenced.
Production and optional UAT access will be opened up only to those with a signed commercial contract.
Contact us at [email protected] to speak with a sales rep about issuing a Customer ID and Sandbox api key.

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Swagger for Event Notification API Specification - TPP Endpoints

The Plaid API

The Plaid REST API. Please see for more details.