Mock sample for your project: API V1

Integrate with "API V1" from change.local in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample



Version: v1

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "API V1" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


Other APIs in the same category

Adyen Recurring API

The Recurring APIs allow you to manage and remove your tokens or saved payment details. Tokens should be created with validation during a payment request.
For more information, refer to our Tokenization documentation.
To connect to the Recurring API, you must use your basic authentication credentials. For this, create your web service user, as described in How to get the WS user password. Then use its credentials to authenticate your request, for example:

Adyen for Platforms: Fund API

The Fund API provides endpoints for managing the funds in the accounts on your platform. These management operations include actions such as the transfer of funds from one account to another, the payout of funds to an account holder, and the retrieval of balances in an account.
For more information, refer to our documentation.
To connect to the Fund API, you must use basic authentication credentials of your web service user. If you don't have one, please contact the Adyen Support Team. Then use its credentials to authenticate your request, for example:

Adyen for Platforms: Account API

The Account API provides endpoints for managing account-related entities on your platform. These related entities include account holders, accounts, bank accounts, shareholders, and KYC-related documents. The management operations include actions such as creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of them.
For more information, refer to our documentation.
To connect to the Account API, you must use basic authentication credentials of your web service user. If you don't have one, contact the Adyen Support Team. Then use its credentials to authenticate your request, for example:

SpectroCoin Merchant
This is an API designed for merchants who are using SpectroCoin services and wishes to integrate them locally.

Adyen for Platforms: Notification Configuration API

The Notification Configuration API provides endpoints for setting up and testing notifications that inform you of events on your platform, for example when a KYC check or a payout has been completed.
For more information, refer to our documentation.
To connect to the Notification Configuration API, you must use basic authentication credentials of your web service user. If you don't have one, contact our Adyen Support Team. Then use its credentials to authenticate your request, for example:

Adyen Payout API

A set of API endpoints that allow you to store payout details, confirm, or decline a payout.
For more information, refer to Online payouts.
To use the Payout API, you need to have two API credentials: one for storing payout details and submitting payouts, and another one for confirming or declining payouts. If you don't have the required API credentials, contact our Support Team.
Both of these API credentials must be authenticated with basic authentication.The following example shows how to authenticate your request when submitting a payout:
When going live, you need to generate new API credentials to access the live endpoints.




Adyen Test Cards API

The Test Cards API provides endpoints for generating custom test card numbers. For more information, refer to Custom test cards documentation.

Issuing: Balance Platform API

The Balance Platform API enables you to create a platform, onboard users as account holders, create balance accounts, and issue cards.
For information about use cases, refer to Adyen Issuing.
Your Adyen contact will provide your API credential and an API key. To connect to the API, add an X-API-Key header with the API key as the value, for example:
Going live
When going live, your Adyen contact will provide your API credential for the live environment. You can then use the API key or the username and password to send requests to
For more information, refer to our Going live documentation.

Balance Platform Transfers API

The Balance Platform Transfers API provides an endpoint that you can use to move funds within your balance platform, or to send funds from your balance platform to a transfer instrument.
For information on how the API is used in Adyen Issuing, refer to Manage funds.
Your Adyen contact will provide your API credential and an API key. To connect to the API, add an X-API-Key header with the API key as the value, for example:
Going live
When going live, your Adyen contact will provide your API credential for the live environment. You can then use the username and password to send requests to
For more information, refer to our Going live documentation.

Taxamo’s elegant suite of APIs and comprehensive reporting dashboard enables digital merchants to easily comply with EU regulatory requirements on tax calculation, evidence collection, tax return creation and data storage.