Mock sample for your project: Haryana State Board of School Education, Haryana API

Integrate with "Haryana State Board of School Education, Haryana API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Haryana State Board of School Education, Haryana

Version: 3.0.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Haryana State Board of School Education, Haryana API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


Board of School Education, Haryana ( has made available 2016-2019 Class XII & Class X results in DigiLocker, which can be pulled by students into their accounts.

Other APIs by

General Administration Department, Bihar
General Administration Department, Bihar ( is LIVE with DigiLocker. You can fetch your EWS certificate into your DigiLocker user account.

Revenue, Registration & Land Reforms Department, Jharkhand
Department of Revenue, Registration & Land Reforms, Jharkhand ( is issuing Registration Certificate of Deeds into citizens' DigiLocker accounts from 5th May 2017 onwards.

AIIMS, Patna
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Patna, previously Jaya Prakash Narayan All India Institute of Medical Sciences, is a medical college and medical research public institute located in Phulwari Sharif, Patna, Bihar,

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
NSDC ( promotes skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality and for-profit vocational institutions. Skill certificates provided under various NSDC programmes are made available to citizens in their DigiLocker accounts.

Karnataka Department of Transport, Karnataka
Driving License (DL) & Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) as issued by Transport Department, Government of Karnataka ( can be pulled by citizens into their DigiLocker accounts.

Assam State Board of Secondary Education, Assam
Board of Secondary Education, Assam ( has made available 2018 Class X results in DigiLocker, which can be pulled by students into their accounts.

Jaypee University Of Information Technology, Waknaghat (H. P.)
Jaypee University Of Information Technology, Waknaghat (H. P.) ( is issuing Degree certificates through DigiLocker. These can be pulled by students into their DigiLocker accounts. Currently, data for the year 2019 is made available by Jaypee University Of Information Technology.

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
NIELIT, under Ministry of Electronics & IT ( provides education and training in the area of Information, Electronics & Communication Technology. Certificates issued by NIELIT are made available in students' DigiLocker accounts.

Department of IT and BT, Karnataka
eSigned certificates issued by Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science &Technology ( can be downloaded through DigiLocker.

Karnataka State Board (Department of Pre University Education), Karnataka
Department of Pre University Education ( is providing certificates of II PUC (Class XII) March, July 2018 and March 2019 Examination marksheets.

Himachal Pradesh Department of Revenue, Himachal Pradesh
Lok Praman Patra ( is the online service delivery portal by Himachal Pradesh Govt. Certain documents issued by it (e.g. Bonafide, Dogra Class, Income, Character Certificates etc.) can be pulled into citizens' DigiLocker accounts.

Accountants General, Tripura
APIs provided by Accountants General, Tripura.

Other APIs in the same category

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The groundwater wells, aquifers and registry API contains information related to groundwater wells and aquifers as well as a register of qualified well drillers and well pump installers registered to operate in B.C.

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A RESTful webservice to retrieve data about the operational state of public elevators and escalators in german railway stations.

United India Insurance Company Limited
United India Insurance Co. Ltd. is a Public Sector General Insurance Company incorporated in 1938, having its presence all over India providing risk cover to 1.74 Crore policyholders. General Insurance Policies such as Motor, Health, Personal Accident, Travel, e.t.c issued by United India Insurance Co. Ltd. ( are available to be downloaded by citizens of India to their DigiLocker account.

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Effluent Charting and Reporting

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use.
ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
EFF Rest Services provides the data for ECHO's Effluent Charts, a set of dynamic charts and tables of permitted effluent limits, releases, and violations over time for Clean Water Act (CWA) wastewater discharge permits issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
See Effluent Charts Help ( for additional information.
The are 3 service end points for Effluent Charts: getsummarychart, geteffluentchart, and downloadeffluentchart.
1) Use getsummarychart to retrieve a summary matrix of effluent parameters by effluent outfall and an overall violation status for a provided NPDES Permit and date range.
2) Use geteffluentchart to retrieve detailed Discharge Limit, DMR and NPDES Violation information for a provided NPDES Permit, date range, effluent parameter, or outfall.
3) Use downloadeffluentchart to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of the detailed data provided with get_effluent chart, for a provided NPDES Permit, date range, effluent parameter, or outfall.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

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Released SKDs for Download

Karnataka Department of Transport, Karnataka
Driving License (DL) & Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) as issued by Transport Department, Government of Karnataka ( can be pulled by citizens into their DigiLocker accounts.

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