Markdown to HTML converter

Convert your Markdown content to HTML

About this tool

This tool allows you to convert your markdown content to HTML. It supports GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) and tables.

It uses the marked library to parse the markdown content and convert it to HTML.

About Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. Created in 2004 by John Gruber, with significant contributions from Aaron Swartz, Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages used to format content.

Markdown's syntax is intended to be as readable and easy to write as possible. Its key design goal is readability, that the language be readable as-is, without looking like it has been marked up with tags or formatting instructions. Markdown is often converted to HTML by various libraries and tools to be displayed on the web.

Some Markdown syntax elements include:

  • Headers (#): # title 1, ## title 2, etc. for headers level 1 to 6 (<H1> to <H6>).
  • Emphasis (*, _):*italic*, _italic_, **bold**, __bold__ usually translated to <em> and <strong> tags.
  • Lists (*, 1.):* item 1, * item 2, etc. for unordered lists, 1. item 1, 2. item 2, etc. for ordered lists (<ol>)
  • Links ([]()):[text]( for <a> tags.
  • Images (![]()):![alt text]( for <img> tags.
  • Code blocks (```):``` code ``` for code blocks.

About HTML

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript.

Created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993, HTML is used to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, and other items.

Common HTML elements include:

  • Headers (<h1>, <h2>, etc.): <h1>title 1</h1>, <h2>title 2</h2>, etc.
  • Paragraphs (<p>): <p>paragraph</p>
  • Lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>): <ul>, <li>item 1</li>, etc.
  • Links (<a>): <a href="">text</a>
  • Images (<img>): <img src="" alt="alt text">