Mock sample for your project: API

Integrate with " API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Version: 2017-08-24

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using " API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
Improve your integration tests by mocking third-party APIs and cover more edge cases: slow response time, random failures, etc.


Introduction is an open database that comprises of standardized primary data for FinTech industry.
It contains such information as geolocation data (countries, cities, regions), organizations, currencies (national, digital, virtual, crypto), banks, digital exchangers, payment providers (PSP), payment methods, etc.
It is created for communication of cross-integrated micro-services on "one language". This is achieved through standardization of entity identifiers that are used to exchange information among different services.
UML Domain Model diagram you can find here.
Entities are updated not more than 1 time per day.
Terms and Conditions
This is made available under the Open Database License.
Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.
For any questions, please email - [email protected]
Or you can contact us at Gitter
Powered by Paymaxi
Get Started
If you use POSTMAN or similar program which can operate with swagger`s files - just download our spec and import it. Also you can try live API demo.
The OpenFinTech API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors.
API is based on JSON API standard. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors, although our API libraries convert responses to appropriate language-specific objects.
JSON API requires use of the JSON API media type (application/vnd.api+json) for exchanging data.
Additional Request Headers
Your requests should always include the header:
If argument height or width is missing API returns original image with real sizes.
API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with OpenFinTech's servers (these are rare).
| Code | Description |
| 200 - OK | Everything worked as expected. |
| 400 - Bad Request | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
| 401 - Unauthorized | No valid API key provided. |
| 402 - Request Failed | The parameters were valid but the request failed. |
| 404 - Not Found | The requested resource doesn't exist. |
| 409 - Conflict | The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key). |
| 429 - Too Many Requests | Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. |
| 500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors | Something went wrong on OpenFinTech's end. (These are rare.) |

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The future of fintech.

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Ntropy Transaction API for transaction classification & management
Contact Support:
Name: API Support
Email: [email protected]

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Fetch the latest currency exchange rates via API. ExchangeRate-API is free and unlimited.
Introduction is an open database that comprises of standardized primary data for FinTech industry.
It contains such information as geolocation data (countries, cities, regions), organizations, currencies (national, digital, virtual, crypto), banks, digital exchangers, payment providers (PSP), payment methods, etc.
It is created for communication of cross-integrated micro-services on "one language". This is achieved through standardization of entity identifiers that are used to exchange information among different services.
UML Domain Model diagram you can find here.
Entities are updated not more than 1 time per day.
Terms and Conditions
This is made available under the Open Database License.
Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.
For any questions, please email - [email protected]
Or you can contact us at Gitter
Powered by Paymaxi
Get Started
If you use POSTMAN or similar program which can operate with swagger`s files - just download our spec and import it. Also you can try live API demo.
The OpenFinTech API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors.
API is based on JSON API standard. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors, although our API libraries convert responses to appropriate language-specific objects.
JSON API requires use of the JSON API media type (application/vnd.api+json) for exchanging data.
Additional Request Headers
Your requests should always include the header:
If argument height or width is missing API returns original image with real sizes.
API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with OpenFinTech's servers (these are rare).
| Code | Description |
| 200 - OK | Everything worked as expected. |
| 400 - Bad Request | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
| 401 - Unauthorized | No valid API key provided. |
| 402 - Request Failed | The parameters were valid but the request failed. |
| 404 - Not Found | The requested resource doesn't exist. |
| 409 - Conflict | The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key). |
| 429 - Too Many Requests | Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. |
| 500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors | Something went wrong on OpenFinTech's end. (These are rare.) |


Open, scableable, transparent payroll API.

Portfolio Optimizer

Portfolio Optimizer is a Web API to optimize the composition of investment portfolios (collection of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, crypto-currencies) using modern portfolio theory-like algorithms (mean-variance, etc.).
API General Information
Portfolio Optimizer is based on REST for easy integration, uses JSON for the exchange of data and uses the two most common HTTP verbs (GET, POST) to represent the actions.
Portfolio Optimizer is also as secured as a Web API could be:
256-bit HTTPS Encryption
No usage of cookies
No usage of personal data
API Headers
The following HTTP header(s) are required when calling Portfolio Optimizer endpoints:
Content-type: application/json
This header specifies that the data provided in input to the endpoint is in JSON format
The following HTTP header(s) are optional when calling Portfolio Optimizer endpoints:
This header enables authenticated users to provide their private API key in order to benefit from higher API limits
Portfolio Optimizer is free to use, but not free to run.
In order to obtain an API key and benefit from higher API limits, a small participation to Portfolio Optimizer running costs is required.
This participation takes the form of coffee(s), with one coffee = one month of usage.
> * Please make sure not to expose your API key publicly!
API Limits
Portfolio Optimizer comes with fairly reasonable API limits.
For anonymous users:
The API requests are restricted to a subset of all the available endpoints and/or endpoints features
The API requests are limited to 1 request per second for all the anonymous users combined, with concurrent requests rejected
The API requests are limited to 1 second of execution time
The API requests are limited to 20 assets, 100 portfolios, 500 series data points and 5 factors
For authenticated users with an API key:
The API requests have access to all the available endpoints and endpoints features
The API requests are limited to 10000 requests per 24 hour per API key, with concurrent requests queued
The API requests are limited to 2.5 seconds of execution time
The API requests are limited to 100 assets, 500 portfolios, 2500 series data points and 25 factors
> Notes:
> * It is possible to further relax the API limits, or to disable the API limits alltogether; please contact the support for more details.
> * Information on the API rate limits are provided in response messages HTTP headers x-ratelimit-*:
> * x-ratelimit-limit-second, the limit on the number of API requests per second
> * x-ratelimit-remaining-second, the number of remaining API requests in the current second
> * x-ratelimit-limit-minute, the limit on the number of API requests per minute
> * ...
API Regions
Portfolio Optimizer servers are located in Western Europe.
> Notes:
> * It is possible to deploy Portfolio Optimizer in other geographical regions, for example to improve the API latency; please contact the support for more details.
API Response Codes
Standard HTTP response codes are used by Portfolio Optimizer to provide details on the status of API requests.
| HTTP Code | Description | Notes |
| --------- | ----------- | ----- |
| 200 | Request successfully processed | - |
| 400 | Request failed to be processed because of incorrect content | The response message body contains information on the incorrect content |
| 401 | Request failed to be processed because of invalid API key | - |
| 404 | Request failed to be processed because of non existing endpoint | The requested endpoint might exist, but needs to be accessed with another HTTP method (e.g., POST instead of GET) |
| 429 | Request failed to be processed because of API limits violated | The response message HTTP headers x-ratelimit-* contain information on the API limits |
| 500 | Request failed to be processed because of an internal error | Something went wrong on Portfolio Optimizer side, do not hesitate to report the issue |
| 502 | Request failed to be processed because of a temporary connectivity error | Something went wrong on Portfolio Optimizer side, please check the API status and do not hesitate to report the issue |
API Status
Portfolio Optimizer is monitored 24/7 by UptimeRobot.
For any issue or question about Portfolio Optimizer, please do not hesitate to contact the support.

Cnab Online
Processe arquivos de retorno CNAB

Billingo API v3

This is a Billingo API v3 documentation. Our API based on REST software architectural style. API has resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies and returns JSON-encoded responses. To use this API you have to generate a new API key on our site. After that, you can test your API key on this page.